Strange days indeed… However, rumor has it that the trout don’t know a thing! The forecast for this summer is a positive one in more than one way. The snowpack is average. This means that notwithstanding a huge snowstorm in the next few weeks the runoff should peak on about June 15th. This is normal and much better than last year where things were too high well until July. Another positive is that fishing is generally a solitary sport which makes it safer than getting a tattoo! Thirdly we don’t expect to see the normal number of folks that we have during a typical summer which should convert to fewer anglers on the water. Finally, we do have enough snowpack to fill all the reservoirs which means all of our rivers will have good flow throughout the summer.
We have many positives to look forward to!
We expect our hatches to be timely and plentiful. We will see caddis from now through June and sporadically during the summer. We are still seeing Blue Winged Olives (BWOs) hatching now especially on the cloudy days. Look for the Salmon fly hatch to start soon on The Colorado River and move upstream on a daily basis through mid-June. After that we will see the Golden Stones on various rivers. As July approaches will look forward The Green Drakes(ooh), Pale Morning Duns (PMDs), Yellow Sallies, Caddis and various other mayflies hatching. It’s a glorious thing!
From our shop in Breckenridge we can drive to many great rivers and lakes within an hour: The Blue River, The Colorado River, The Arkansas River, The Eagle River, The Middle and South Forks of the South Platte, The Williams Fork River, Ten Mile Creek, Muddy Creek, Lake Dillon, Spinney Mountain Reservoir, Eleven Mile Reservoir, Antero Reservoir, Montgomery Reservoir, Williams Fork Reservoir, Green Mountain Reservoir, etc.
We also have numerous glacial lakes in the area as well as many small Cutthroat and Brook trout streams to explore. This is truly a fisherman’s paradise!
We hope to see you this summer!
Jackson Streit – Mountain Angler